Dear All, we would kindly share very good news today: our research in bioinspired morphing wings is continuing after the H2020-SMS project in the recently granted HORIZON-2023-PATHFINDER-Project N° 101129952 BEALIVE-“Bioinspired Electroactive Aeronautical Live skin”. It will develop new morphing concepts allowing an even higher aerodynamic performance increase and noise reduction thanks to an electroactive “live skin” operating in a high number of DoF. It will be applied in laboratory and full scale design and will be adapted in all flight phases. The partnership includes: INPT (Coordinator), ONERA, UNISTRA, NTUA, POLIMI, STN and CFSE.
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The H2020 N° 723402 European research project “Smart Morphing and Sensing for aeronautical configurations”, has been successfully accomplished.
Please visit the public part of the project’s web site where an important Dissemination and Communication activity can be found, as well as the aerodynamic performance increase and major outcomes of the project in respect of new disruptive wing designs leading to an considerable increase of the aerodynamic performance and of noise reduction.
Smart Morphing & Sensing SMS (European project)
Hi everybody,
I can share two amazing news with you today. First the research conducted by the Smartwing Morphing Center has made it onto the metro of Paris which you could see at the Metro Station Montparnasse. Take a look at the fresco by clicking on the image below.
Second of all our project “Smart Morphing & Sensing” has been accepted by the European commission as part of the H2020 research effort. The project aims at transposing the technologies developed as part of the Smartwing Morphing Center onto a full scale A320 wing. A big thanks goes out to all the partners involved.
La Recherche “Des ailes profilées comme celles d’un rapace”
The smartwing morphing center featured in France 2
CNRS Journal: “Les ailes du futur”
The CNRS Journal created a video of our activities in collaboration with Airbus. Their amazing work can be seen below.
We took the opportunity to use the video at the APS Fluid Dynamics conference in Boston to finish our take on high frequency electroactive morphing.
Smart Wing presentation at the “Musée des Arts et Métiers” by Dr. Marianna Braza
The Smart Wing Morphing is proud to say that Dr. Marianna Braza was selected to present at the “Musée des Arts et Métiers”. The topic of the presentation were smart-materials and their use in bio-inspired electroactive morphing. A copy of the presentation can be found here.
Smart Wing Design: Royal Society Science Exhibition 1-6 July 2014 France 3 Episode 2
As promised as part of this weeks treat an episode each day. We are of to episode 2! As always feel free to comment, ask, suggest… And also don’t forget to take a look at the other content in the Videos section.
Smart Wing Design: Royal Society Science Exhibition 1-6 July 2014 France 3 Episode 1
So for a good start in the new science season follow us in our road to this July’s Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2014 donce by France 3. This weeks treat an episode each day. As always feel free to comment, ask, suggest… And also don’t forget to take a look at the other content in the Videos section.
Smart Wing Design: Royal Society Science Exhibition 1-6 July 2014 Photos II
The second batch of photos. Thanks to Karl-Joseph Rizzo.