

  1. M. Chinaud, J.F. Rouchon, E. Duhayon, J. Scheller, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, M. Braza “Trailing-edge dynamics and morphing of a deformable flat plate at high Reynolds number by time-resolved PIV”, J. Fluids and Structures, 47, pp. 41-54, (2014).
  2. F. Grossi, M. Braza, Y. Hoarau “Prediction of Transonic Buffet by Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation”, AIAA J., 2014, ahead of print,
  3. V. Shinde, T. Marcel, Y. Hoarau, T. Deloze, G. Harran, F. Baj, J.Cardolaccia, J.P. Magnaud, E. Longatte, M. Braza “Numerical simulation of the fluid structure interaction in a tube array under cross flow at moderate and high Reynolds number”, J. of Fluids and Structures 2014, 47, pp. 99–113. Cet article a été parmi les plus téléchargés du Journal: depuis sa parution (14 mars 2014) : article N° 16 sur la liste de ce site.
  4. E. Deri, M. Braza, S. Cazin, E. Cid, C. Degouet, D. Michaelis, “Investigation of the three-dimensional turbulent near-wake structure past a flat plate by Tomographic PIV at high Reynolds number”, J. of Fluids and Structures, 47, pp. 21-30, 2014.
  5. R. Bourguet, M. Braza, A. Dervieux, (2011) “Reduced-order modelling of transonic flows around an airfoil submitted to small deformations”, Journal of Computational Physics, 230(1), pp. 159-184.
  6. Longatte, E., Baj, F., Hoarau, Y., Braza, M., Ruiz, D., Canteneur, C (2013) « Advanced numerical methods for uncertainty reduction when predicting heat exchanger dynamic stability limits », Nuclear Engineering and Design, 258, pp. 164 – 175. (5-Year Impact Factor of this Elsevier Journal: 1.102).
  7. C. Mockett, R. Perrin, T. Reimann, M. Braza, F.Thiele, (2010) “Analysis of Detached-Eddy Simulation for the flow around a circular cylinder with Reference to PIV Data”, J. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2010, 85, N°2, pp. 167-180.
  8. R. BOURGUET, M. BRAZA, A. SEVRAIN, A. BOUHADJI (2009) “Capturing transition features around a wing by reduced-order modeling based on compressible Navier-Stokes equations”, Phys. Fluids 21(9), pp. 111701-111701, 2009.
  9. R. EL AKOURY, M. BRAZA, R. PERRIN, G. HARRAN & Y. HOARAU (2008) “The 3D transition in the flow around a rotating cylinder”, J. Fluid Mechanics, 607, pp 1-11.
  10. R. BOURGUET, M. BRAZA, G. HARRAN, R. EL AKOURY (2008) “Anisotropic Organised Eddy Simulation for the prediction of non-equilibrium turbulent flows around bodies”, J. Fluids and Structures, 24 (8), 1240-1251, 2008.
  11. G. MARTINAT, M. BRAZA, Y. HOARAU, G. HARRAN (2008) “Turbulence modelling of the flow past a pitching NACA0012 airfoil at 105 and 106 Reynolds number”, J. Fluids and Structures, 24 (8), 2008.
  12. R. Perrin, M. Braza, E. Cid, S. Cazin, P. Chassaing, C. Mockett, T. Reimann, F. Thiele (2008) “Coherent and turbulent process analysis in the flow past a circular cylinder at high Reynolds number”, J. Fluids and Structures, 24 (8), 1313-1325.



  1. M. Chinaud, J.F. Rouchon, E. Duhayon, J. Scheller, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, M. Braza “Trailing-edge dynamics and morphing of a deformable flat plate at high Reynolds number by time-resolved PIV”, J. Fluids and Structures, 47, pp. 41-54, (2014).
  2. M.Chinaud , A.Boussaid, J.F.Rouchon, E. Duhayon, D. Haribey, E. Deri , T. de Faramond, M. Braza , T. Deloze, “Large displacement SMA electro-morphing plate for wind tunnel experiments”. ICTAM Congress, Beijing, 2012.
  3. J.F. Rouchon, D. Harribey, E. Deri, M. Braza, A. Boussaid, 2011 «Activation d’une voilure deformable par des câbles d’AMF repartis en surface », Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août au 2 septembre 2011.[PPT]
  4. M. Chinaud, A. Boussaid, J. F. Rouchon, E. Duhayon, “Thermo-mechanical coupling in Nitinol. Application to an electro-morphing plate”, ICEM, International Congress on Electrical Machines, Marseille, Sept. 2012.



  1. J.-M. Moschetta, “Les drones, recherches et innovation à l’ISAE”, Colloque du Centenaire de SUPAERO, 14-16 oct. 2009, Toulouse, France.
  2. J.-M. Moschetta, “Multi-tasking Micro aerial Vehicles for the urban environment”, Short Range and Tactical UAVs, 24-26 mai 2011, Londres, Grande-Bretagne.
  3. Z. Liu, J.-M Moschetta, N. Chapman, R. Barènes, M. Xu, “Design of Test Benches for the Hovering Performance of Nano-Rotors”, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 17-32, 2010.



SMARTWING meeting 30.03.2012

  1. C. Doll – DCSD ONERA [PDF]
  2. T. Ruiz – PSA [PPT]
  3. E. Duhayon, J.F. Rouchon – LAPLACE [PDF]
  4. M. Braza – IMFT [PDF]
  5. S. Prothin – ISAE [PDF]
  6. M. Fournier – IMT [PDF]


  1. M. Braza – IMFT; E. Duhayon, J.F. Rouchon – LAPLACE [PDF]

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