- M. Chinaud, J.F. Rouchon, E. Duhayon, J. Scheller, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, M. Braza “Trailing-edge dynamics and morphing of a deformable flat plate at high Reynolds number by time-resolved PIV”, J. Fluids and Structures, 47, pp. 41-54, (2014).
- F. Grossi, M. Braza, Y. Hoarau “Prediction of Transonic Buffet by Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation”, AIAA J., 2014, ahead of print,
- V. Shinde, T. Marcel, Y. Hoarau, T. Deloze, G. Harran, F. Baj, J.Cardolaccia, J.P. Magnaud, E. Longatte, M. Braza “Numerical simulation of the fluid structure interaction in a tube array under cross flow at moderate and high Reynolds number”, J. of Fluids and Structures 2014, 47, pp. 99–113. Cet article a été parmi les plus téléchargés du Journal: depuis sa parution (14 mars 2014) : article N° 16 sur la liste de ce site.
- E. Deri, M. Braza, S. Cazin, E. Cid, C. Degouet, D. Michaelis, “Investigation of the three-dimensional turbulent near-wake structure past a flat plate by Tomographic PIV at high Reynolds number”, J. of Fluids and Structures, 47, pp. 21-30, 2014.
- R. Bourguet, M. Braza, A. Dervieux, (2011) “Reduced-order modelling of transonic flows around an airfoil submitted to small deformations”, Journal of Computational Physics, 230(1), pp. 159-184.
- Longatte, E., Baj, F., Hoarau, Y., Braza, M., Ruiz, D., Canteneur, C (2013) « Advanced numerical methods for uncertainty reduction when predicting heat exchanger dynamic stability limits », Nuclear Engineering and Design, 258, pp. 164 – 175. (5-Year Impact Factor of this Elsevier Journal: 1.102).
- C. Mockett, R. Perrin, T. Reimann, M. Braza, F.Thiele, (2010) “Analysis of Detached-Eddy Simulation for the flow around a circular cylinder with Reference to PIV Data”, J. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2010, 85, N°2, pp. 167-180.
- R. BOURGUET, M. BRAZA, A. SEVRAIN, A. BOUHADJI (2009) “Capturing transition features around a wing by reduced-order modeling based on compressible Navier-Stokes equations”, Phys. Fluids 21(9), pp. 111701-111701, 2009.
- R. EL AKOURY, M. BRAZA, R. PERRIN, G. HARRAN & Y. HOARAU (2008) “The 3D transition in the flow around a rotating cylinder”, J. Fluid Mechanics, 607, pp 1-11.
- R. BOURGUET, M. BRAZA, G. HARRAN, R. EL AKOURY (2008) “Anisotropic Organised Eddy Simulation for the prediction of non-equilibrium turbulent flows around bodies”, J. Fluids and Structures, 24 (8), 1240-1251, 2008.
- G. MARTINAT, M. BRAZA, Y. HOARAU, G. HARRAN (2008) “Turbulence modelling of the flow past a pitching NACA0012 airfoil at 105 and 106 Reynolds number”, J. Fluids and Structures, 24 (8), 2008.
- R. Perrin, M. Braza, E. Cid, S. Cazin, P. Chassaing, C. Mockett, T. Reimann, F. Thiele (2008) “Coherent and turbulent process analysis in the flow past a circular cylinder at high Reynolds number”, J. Fluids and Structures, 24 (8), 1313-1325.
- M. Chinaud, J.F. Rouchon, E. Duhayon, J. Scheller, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, M. Braza “Trailing-edge dynamics and morphing of a deformable flat plate at high Reynolds number by time-resolved PIV”, J. Fluids and Structures, 47, pp. 41-54, (2014).
- M.Chinaud , A.Boussaid, J.F.Rouchon, E. Duhayon, D. Haribey, E. Deri , T. de Faramond, M. Braza , T. Deloze, “Large displacement SMA electro-morphing plate for wind tunnel experiments”. ICTAM Congress, Beijing, 2012.
- J.F. Rouchon, D. Harribey, E. Deri, M. Braza, A. Boussaid, 2011 «Activation d’une voilure deformable par des câbles d’AMF repartis en surface », Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août au 2 septembre 2011.[PPT]
- M. Chinaud, A. Boussaid, J. F. Rouchon, E. Duhayon, “Thermo-mechanical coupling in Nitinol. Application to an electro-morphing plate”, ICEM, International Congress on Electrical Machines, Marseille, Sept. 2012.
- J.-M. Moschetta, “Les drones, recherches et innovation à l’ISAE”, Colloque du Centenaire de SUPAERO, 14-16 oct. 2009, Toulouse, France.
- J.-M. Moschetta, “Multi-tasking Micro aerial Vehicles for the urban environment”, Short Range and Tactical UAVs, 24-26 mai 2011, Londres, Grande-Bretagne.
- Z. Liu, J.-M Moschetta, N. Chapman, R. Barènes, M. Xu, “Design of Test Benches for the Hovering Performance of Nano-Rotors”, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 17-32, 2010.
SMARTWING meeting 30.03.2012
- C. Doll – DCSD ONERA [PDF]
- T. Ruiz – PSA [PPT]
- E. Duhayon, J.F. Rouchon – LAPLACE [PDF]
- M. Braza – IMFT [PDF]
- S. Prothin – ISAE [PDF]
- M. Fournier – IMT [PDF]
- M. Braza – IMFT; E. Duhayon, J.F. Rouchon – LAPLACE [PDF]